Industry Applications & IoT Case Studies
Smart Agriculture
Saving water with Smart Irrigation System in Barcelona
Controlling water flow and soil moisture in the parks and gardens of Barcelona. Developing a Smart Irrigation system based on wireless sensor networks to conserve and optimise water use, and implement an effective irrigation system.
The solution comprised a remotely monitored irrigating system in Barcelona using IoT technologies from Libelium. The IoT solution helped Barcelona build upon its Smart City status. An integral part of the solution included soil moisture monitoring with probes utilising Libelium technology. The deployment uses remote monitoring of sensors that trigger and control the irrigating system, enabling the intelligent management of the water network.
Smart Agriculture
Libelium Plug & Sense
Project in Italy to control fertilizer, irrigation and monitor leaf growth
Monitoring external factors that affect crop yields to forecast and prevent from diseases, saving water and using less pesticides
Plug and Sense technologies from Libelium were installed to monitor environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, luminosity ans leaf wetness. This network of sensors allowed the farmers to remotely observe the conditions of the crops, by capturing data connected to a central system. Analysis preformed on the data captured, resulted in decease in plant diseases, improved health of the crop and lowered the use of fertilisers and chemicals in agricultural yields.
Smart Agriculture
Libelium Plug & Sense
Smart Cities
Meshlium Scanner to monitor passengers’ activity at Manchester Airport
Smartphone detection technology to ensure security in one of the busiest airports in Europe
Libelium’s Meshlium Scanner were used to detect smart devices, measuring people’s movements inside the airport. Six devices were installed across the terminals in order to understand flows, detect and prevent eventual bottlenecks and especially ensure people’s security. The Meshlium Scanner is able to detect any device working with WiFi or Bluetooth interfaces. These devices can be detected without the need of being connected to any specific Access Point, as a result, 90% of individuals where identified.
Meshlium Scanner
Smartphone detection to measure attendee numbers and behaviours at UK trade fair
Detecting volume of visitors and popular locations with Bluetooth and WiFi smartphone detection in a food festival
Each year over 267,000 visitors attend the Bolton Food and Drink Festival. To measure the visitor’s activity Libelium’s Meshlium Scanners were deployed around the festival to create a network covering three key locations. The data collected included, duration of stay, visitor volume per location, visitor volume per day, most popular locations, most popular individual and group routes, total project visitors. This data was then sent back to a central system which allowed for real-time analysis.
Meshlium Scanner
Smart Environment
Preventing asthma attacks in children, monitor the air quality of play areas
Use of air pollutants sensors in urban areas, focusing on play areas/parks
Asthma is one of the most frequent causes of absences in schools. Libelium’s Plug & Sense was chosen to collect, detect and analyse data regarding particle matter, dust and air quality (SO2 and NO). Multiple sensors were deployed in local parks and playgrounds to build up a network and understanding of the local air pollution. Each sensor collected measurements/readings every 10 minutes providing a detailed collection of data.
Smart Environment PRO
Libelium Plug & Sense
EU project uses Libelium sensors to monitor ozone levels in volunteer homes
Challenge: A network of sensors measure tropospheric ozone, a contaminant that mainly affects rural areas, in Italy, Austria and Spain
A network of Libelium Plug & Sense sensors were deployed measuring polluting gases levels, controlling particle pollution, light intensity levels and noise pollution from road traffic, industry and construction. The data captured was then viewed via a mobile and web app.
Smart Cites PRO
Smart Environment PRO
Libelium Plug & Sense
Smart Water
Controlling fish farms water quality with smart sensors in Iran
Monitoring water quality to improve fish farms productivity, diminishing casualties, and reducing costs and time
Libelium’s Plug & Sense sensors were deployed with the main objective to control water quality in order to increase quality and productivity as well as to reduce costs and increase profits. The sensors recorded the following values, water temperature, dissolved Oxygen, pH levels, Ammonium and Nitrite. The data collected allowed for real-time control over the fish ponds ensuring the utmost efficiency. The result of deploying the sensors, reduce production costs, saved time, reduced fish fatalities and increased productivity.
Smart Water
Smart Water Ions
Libelium Plug & Sense
Smart marina: monitoring mooring berths, sea level and weather conditions
Modernize marinas by monitoring mooring berths, measuring the sea level, water quality and observing weather conditions.
A collection of different Libelium Plug & Sense sensors were deployed. These sensors measured the pH levels, Oxidation, sea level, temperature and berth occupation using ultrasound. The data collected can then be viewed on a mobile app providing users with a complete overview of the marina.
Smart Water
Smart Security
Smart Cities
Libelium Plug Sense
Smart Parking
Smart Parking project in Montpellier to relieve traffic congestion and reduce car parking search
Controlling car park areas to take actions in order to reduce traffic congestion in the centre of the city.
Libelium Parking Sensors were distributed to help members of the public quickly find free parking spaces, to help reduce congestion and journey times. The sensors also collect road temperature measurements, which helps to identify adverse road conditions.
Smart Parking Sensors